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Shadows of the Damned |OT| -- The Love Child of Suda 51 and Shinji Mikami
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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:00:18
Dvader said:

How would you think EA would market this game, its extremely hard. I only see this game appealing to Mikami and Suda fans to be honest and they dont need ads to know this game exists.

It's not ads they should have run -- if the game is good they shoudl have exposed it more to the enthusiast press.  Instead we got the announcement conference, then a month before Mikami and Suda did that crazy video, then another, and then BAM! here's yer game.  It had like what -- a three month public life before release?

Mikami and Suda fans are aware and will buy, but they'll need more than that to break even and get through to the second tier of enthusiasts.  Maybe it was just a vanity project for EA to woo Japanese developers/ gamers.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:55:02



GOD ! ! !


Was there any chance I wouldn't LOVE this game, really? You've got a hot Mexican Hombre, toting a Large Johnson that transforms into a Big Boner that spouts Dick Jokes every five minutes or so! I go from having a raging erection to giggling like a school girl and back again moment after moment!

You drink like a Lush Bastard, Curse Like a Sailor. The Gun Play is PURE Resident Evil 4, but you're shooting Animated Corpses and Diabolical Demons. The Checkpoint Marker is a Winged Demon named 'One Eyed Willy' that takes a Huge Dump on the floor to signify passing a Checkpoint!

This is the kind of game you play for Shits and Giggles. Ever get together with a bunch of friends and watch INTENTIONALLY bad Horror Movies? Yeah. That's what this game is like! Evil Dead your thing? This game is that on Crack!

There's just sooo many morbid details all over the environment that half the time I'm not even paying attention to the enemies, I am just staring with curiosity at the Mangled Bodies, Piles of Intestines... and Humorous Posters on the Wall in Hell! It makes NO SENSE. It's sooo BIZARRE, but sooo much fun!

Like all the Suda games before, it's completely insane, but NOW the gameplay is solid! YES. It seems to be Linear. No. It is not nearly as in depth as RE4. I think they kept the action and puzzles simple so you can just have a GOOD FUCKIN' TIME ! ! ! Most of the time you are searching for a key, be it a Strawberry, Brain or Eyeball to Stuff in a Baby-Head Door Lock. Other times you have to find your way thru the Darkness or Eliminate it to progress. (By shooting Goat's Heads... 'cuz, apparently "Everyone Knows Goats Heads are a Source of Light!" lol ) The Pubic Hair doors are the ones that seem to be centered around an Environment Puzzle. I've only encountered one so far.

I'm Calling it Now: The Professional Reviewers that didn't like this game are Stuck Up Snobs that no longer know how to have a good time (or weren't paid enough for a good review score!)... Anyone with any sense of Humor or just wanting a GREAT Summer Game to play will TRULY Appreciate this game! Dare I say it? This may be THIS SUMMER'S Deadly Premonition! Another Criminally Low-Scored game that was a BLAST to play! C'mon, REALLY? Mikami. Suda 51. The Unreal Engine, fashioned after Resident Evil 4... How bad could this game POSSIBLY be?!

Edited: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:58:32
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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:28:09

More Reviews:


I guarantee you won't know what's going to happen until it has, and more often than not the results are hilarious. If you want to experience a game that's different from everything that's come before it, Shadows of the Damned is for you. It's a tasty concoction of horror, humor, gore, and naughty bits that's guaranteed to make you laugh, scream, and beg for more. From Cheat Code Central's 4.5/5.0 Review.

I HAD TO throw this in here:

Even the hints you're given by your flaming sidekick, a torch named Johnson (who goes limp if you stay in the darkness for too long) are hilarious. One of his better lines came when my Boner weapon was upgraded, giving me the ability to fire mines that I could then shoot from afar. When I walked up to a rock wall covered in glowing cracks I was tasked with firing a line of mines and setting them off so they'd destroy the wall. Instead of using the approach most games would take and simply telling me what to do through a dialogue screen, I was instead told by Johnson to "fill those cracks with my explosive hot boner!"


This is the inherent conundrum of Shadows of the Damned. Your own tastes will determine whether it's more or less than the sum of its basically functional but not-especially-interesting parts, and the attitude and style it carries like a chip on its shoulder. As an action game, Shadows of the Damned is a passable exercise in a few interesting ideas often buckling under the weight of controls and level design stuck firmly in the past. But as a weird tour through a Hell we haven't seen before, with a love for subject matter that neatly sidesteps the likes of other Grindhouse-inspired games over the last few years, Shadows of the Damned is an experience that's worth having... for a particular audience. Arthur 'Fuckin' Gies IGN.Com 7.0 Review.

*Inherent? Conundrum? Functional? Buckling Under the Weight of it's Own Controls? Wuh? Don't know this guy, but I know I don't want to bring HIM to a party!*


Edited: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:28:45
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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 03:56:03

"Like all the Suda games before, it's completely insane, but NOW the gameplay is solid! YES."


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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 06:17:11
Foolz said:

"Like all the Suda games before, it's completely insane, but NOW the gameplay is solid! YES."


Accurate statement by Leo.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 06:54:43
Dvader said:

Accurate statement by Leo.

For one thing the base gameplay has generally been solid in his games, it's just that other stuff piss people off. That's not my point, though. Removing the crazy gameplay from Suda=making it no longer a Suda game. That's exactly the reason why Suda games are much more interesting than other games with crazy presentation: it's not just the presentation that's crazy. He actually uses those sort of ideas for the gameplay itself rather than making a generic game with wacky presentation. I know a lot of people are going to hate that, but those people are boring. Nyaa

He was moving in that direction with No More Heroes, though so it's not unexpected. It's just disappointing, and something that will be missed if he doesn't return to it at some point in the future.

Edited: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 06:57:35

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 11:51:01

"Just warn me if I have to fuck a horse to unlock a door, huh."


New favorite line E-V-E-R ! ! !

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:49:01

Pffft, Travis has so much better lines.

"Everyone deals with grief differently. Some people fuck at funerals, I cut off heads."

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:50:40

I agree with Foolz, Suda making a RE4 clone is kinda lame for him. Suda should make crazy games, he just needs to fire the code monkeys and hire competent programmers.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 23:11:34
Foolz said:

For one thing the base gameplay has generally been solid in his games, it's just that other stuff piss people off. That's not my point, though. Removing the crazy gameplay from Suda=making it no longer a Suda game. That's exactly the reason why Suda games are much more interesting than other games with crazy presentation: it's not just the presentation that's crazy. He actually uses those sort of ideas for the gameplay itself rather than making a generic game with wacky presentation. I know a lot of people are going to hate that, but those people are boring. Nyaa

He was moving in that direction with No More Heroes, though so it's not unexpected. It's just disappointing, and something that will be missed if he doesn't return to it at some point in the future.

Ok, that makes sense.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 00:09:35

Gamers love it, reviewers are kinda mixed.

Apparently this video explains why.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 00:23:30

I find this game rather appealing. I'm not going in looking for RE4 or a fucked up Suda game (which tend to be hit or miss anyway in my book). This just looks fun and appeals to all basic instincts.  Certainly not a game to buy but it if becomes available as a rental I'll pick it up in a heartbeat.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 00:25:17

Suprisingly, GameSpot gives it an 8.5!

"Shadows of the Damned balances strong gameplay with artistic delights to create a mesmerizing experience."

**That makes it as good as 3DS Ocarina of Time and BETTER than inFAMOUS 2!**

Edited: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 00:25:58
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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:15:42

"God Hand with Guns" is the most often heard descriptor of Shadows of the Damned.

The irrerverent attitude MUST be what they are talking about!

Example here.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:19:04
robio said:

I find this game rather appealing. I'm not going in looking for RE4 or a fucked up Suda game (which tend to be hit or miss anyway in my book). This just looks fun and appeals to all basic instincts.  Certainly not a game to buy but it if becomes available as a rental I'll pick it up in a heartbeat.

i will buy it when it hits about half price (£1Cool.  that seems to be the price sweet-spot for me for a lot of games nowadays.  the only games this year i will buy full-price at launch are dark souls and skyward swords


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 23:57:10

Tom McShea said yesterday that it is a game that does something that no other game does -- so that's good enough for me to check it out.

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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 00:45:31

I'm going to try very hard not to spoil anything in this topic --BUT-- I am going to give ONE example of something cool I came across. I've mentioned before about the incredibly detailed environments you go thru. You'll see bodies, entrails, blood, severed limbs, corpses impaled on wrought iron fences... You'll see so much, there are some things that are kinda easy to miss!

In one area, early in the game, there was a fork off of the main path that lead down a hill. If you took the OTHER fork you progressed thru the level and could not return to the place where you could go downhill. I took the higher path first and realized my error. (You're going to want to explore pretty thourougly to find Upgrade gems and ammo.) I started the (game) level over JUST so I could see what was down that lower path. Turns out it was a very short path with... something at the end... I think it was Ammo or a giant White Gem (Currency)... but what I found there wasn't important. Once I reached the bottom of the path, I heard some kind of noise; something like a low moaning. When I turned around I was greeted by a very macabre scene: There were a dozen or so severed heads, mouths agape, moaning and slowly rolling down the hill I just descended. Of course, I had to walk thru them to get back up to the other fork to proceed. Effin' COOL!

My point is: There are little details EVERYWHERE that you're GOING TO WANT to see! People are complaining about no 'New Game +' in Shadows of the Damned, but RIGHT THERE, there's something worth replaying the game for! I would bet there would be things you did not notice before on subsequent play-thru's!

Little details like THAT make this game TOTALLY worth experiencing!


**Just wait until you meet Christopher and come across your first 'Story Book' which Johnson reads to you!! Think No More Heroes was funnier? Think again!**


Edited: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 00:48:07
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Fri, 24 Jun 2011 01:44:53

^ that is totally awesome.

I will play this one day for sure. Glad its great.

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Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:01:53

Read more of your fellow Gamer's opinions as Kotaku discusses Act 1 and 2.

Be sure to click on the 'All' Comments tab at the bottom! Most of the comments liken it to GodHand (again) and advise you to turn off your brain and enjoy! Most people 'Get' it and love the humor.

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Mon, 27 Jun 2011 00:17:47

What are ya buyin' Stranger?



I love the little touches in the details of SotD. For example, Johnson's Flame changes color depending on what weapon you have equipped; Red = Rifle. Blue = Machine Gun. Green = Shotgun. Of course the colored lighting is reflected off of everything in the environment, including yourself!

The game is ridiculously fun! I just had an EPIC Boss Battle that involved a Horse that pooped Darkness and a 50-foot Minotaur named George! (Jorge to Garcia 'Fuckin' Hotspur!)

Edited: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 00:18:28
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